2024-2025 Pledge Form

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Fueling the Fire of Commitment

“When the fire of commitment sets our mind and soul a blaze
When our hunger and our passion meet to call us on our way
When we live with deep assurance of the flame that burns within,
Then our promise finds fulfillment and our future can begin.”
- The Fire of Commitment

We have so much to be grateful: A new Minister, a new Director of Faith Formation, an exceptional and dedicated Staf, inspiring services with amzing music, renewed social justice initiatives, and more events, activities and new members.

The annual pledge is the most direct way to show your support for SUUS and its mission. And pledges are the single largest source of the finances we need to help keep SUUS vibrant. As you consider your pledge for the coming year, think about what SUUS is now and what lies ahead.
Many thanks for your generosity.

The goal for our 2024-2025 Pledge Drive is $200,000.

(In 2023-2024, the total for pledges was $167,000.)


     An annual pledge is a requirement of membership. If this presents a challenge to you, please contact Rev. Craig Nowak.


Please fill out this form and click submit.